
“It’s not what you said, it’s the way you said it.”

People aren’t just generally sensitive to the tone of your voice (as described in the sarcasm and expressing emotion pages): Even the way you articulate particular sounds conveys social information about how you see the relationship, how you see the purpose of the particular conversation, and the emotions that you’re feeling.

Many people with social communication challenges are accused of sounding “robotic” because they do not vary their speech styles from situation to situation. Typically, they are seen as overly formal and “correct.” It seems like a paradox: why would you ever want to pronounce words “wrong” if you know better? Despite pervasive stereotypes and what you may have been taught in school, informal pronunciations are neither a function of laziness nor lack of education. Most people make these sound adjustments – along with adjusting their word choices and politeness strategies — in order to send important social signals. If you are not giving these situational cues to others, they will be unsure of how they should interact with you.

The Sounds of RelationshipsClick to show

Formal pronunciations (those that adhere most closely to the written form of the word), like formal words (those used in academic writing), seem to signal a desire to stay distant. Using formal language is a deference-based politeness strategy (respecting others’ sense of independence), while using informal language is an appeal to solidarity. If you have been having trouble connecting with people, we recommend that you try to introduce some more informality into your speech, both in your pronunciations and in your word choices. If you are interacting with friends and/or equals, your informal pronunciations should match (mirror) theirs, and perhaps even be proactively a bit less formal, to try to encourage a closer relationship. If you are interacting with someone who has power over you, using formal pronunciations at first is a good way to show deference – but if they ease up on their pronunciations, so should you. (If you do not, you may find that they interpret your continued formality as a sign that you do not wish to be close, and so progressively become more formal again.) In the same way, your subordinates will likely use formal pronunciations with you at first, but you could try throwing in some informal pronunciations to signal that you are being friendly with them.

The Sounds of Purpose and IntentionClick to show

In addition to providing clues as to how participants in a conversation view their ongoing relationships, shifts in formality during a conversation may signal a shift in the purpose of the conversation. People use more formal pronunciations, enunciating more clearly when the information they are conveying is particularly important. If you’ve been speaking casually with someone, and they shift to more formal speech, it can be a way to draw your attention to something they think needs to be clearly understood. Contrariwise, shifting towards more relaxed pronunciations generally shows an interpersonal focus, conveying that the speaker is focused more on you than on the particular pieces of information. Some amount of interpersonal give-and-take is expected, even in the workplace, and close relationships demand quite a bit of it!

The Sounds of EmotionClick to show

When we’re feeling affectionate, we slur our words, using all sorts of relaxed pronunciations and running the words together. Affectionate speech is interpersonal speech, obviously. So most people associate relaxed pronunciations with relaxed, happy, emotionally positive situations, which explains why we value these pronunciations even though at some level we may think they’re “wrong.”

When someone is annoyed, they enunciate more clearly, separating words more, pronouncing things more canonically. (This is sometimes referred to as a “clipped” pronunciation). This should remind you of the shift described above, from interpersonal to informational speech – because it is the same! The point of the shift, of course, is to draw the listener’s attention to the important (although not necessarily directly stated) piece of social information: the fact that the speaker is getting annoyed. When we’re downright angry we may literally “spit out” words, often individually. Since we associate these clipped pronunciations with stressful, emotionally difficult situations, it’s no wonder that someone who insists on using ‘correct’ pronunciations regardless of context causes everyone’s hackles to rise.

Emotional cues are more important to most people than any other type of communication (because we value our friends and family above all else), so although we don’t consciously process each pronunciation of each sound, most people do unconsciously notice and respond to even subtle shifts.

Making Small Adjustments

Linguists have been studying some of the patterns of variation described below for decades, most of which occur in every dialect of American English. It is just recently, however, that linguists made a remarkable discovery: Listeners are specifically sensitive to very small amounts of variation in pronunciations. Listeners made different social judgments about speakers who never pronounced -ing suffixes as -in’ vs. those who do it just 10% of the time. (On the other hand, listeners did not distinguish much between doing it a lot vs. a whole lot – it doesn’t really matter if you do it 60% vs. 80%, e.g.)  So even just adding a few of these substitutions into your speech may help you sound less formal when speaking interpersonally – no need to change every -ing suffix (which would lose you points for being educated and articulate). Although perceptual studies haven’t been done on each of the other variables yet, there’s good reason to believe that they would show similar trends. You don’t want to completely change all of your pronunciations, just to add a few markers to show that you’re not stuck-up, not unapproachable, not overly judgmental — in short, that you’re a friendly person we can be comfortable talking to.

Reduced grammatical function words

Pronouns, articles, prepositions, auxiliaries, and conjunctions all serve grammatical functions (rather than conveying new, important information) and are fairly predictable within a given sentence. Even in formal, informational speech, we wouldn’t stress these, except to make a clear distinction and clear up misunderstandings (“not his book, my book!”, “not me or you, me and you!” etc.) In informal speech, these are hardly ever fully pronounced. These words occur with great frequency in our speech, and so it would be easy to make a few subtle adjustments that would affect people’s perceptions of your formality level.

As discussed above, the substitution of -in’ for -ing is very common across dialects. Many people refer to this particular variable as “dropping the g” and will tell you that it’s lazy or sloppy, but in fact, nothing could be farther from the truth. The “ng” spelling indicates a single sound (the final sound in sing, e.g.) – so this is a simple substitution of one nasal sound for another. The resulting word is neither shorter (in terms of sound segments) nor easier to pronounce. (Even in writing, it’s not always shorter, since we often substitute the apostrophe for the “g.”) It is, however, substantially less formal in its feel. It should be relatively easy for you to throw a few of these into a conversation without feeling self-conscious about it.

T Sounds

For some strange reason, a single sound seems to get manipulated for social purposes more than any other. You may not have noticed, but a crisp “t” sound is hardly ever produced at the end of a syllable in informal American English. If you produce crisp “t” in these environments, your speech will seem overly formal and perhaps angry (depending on your other signals). We have several ways of avoiding these syllable-final t sounds, all of which have different “feels” in terms of formality. Note that you are most likely already producing these substitutions within words; if not, your speech would sound non-native. The formality differences are related to how we apply these rules across word boundaries.

Even in formal speech, Americans pronounce words like “butter” with what’s called a “flap.” It sounds more like a “d” than a “t,” but is quicker and more relaxed. With both “t” and “d,” the tongue holds and then releases. With a flap, the tongue never holds position at all. Compare the tight feel of the “d” in does with the loose feel of the flap in butter. The same is true for the “t” of writer, water, British, motto, etc. The rule is that between vowels, we flap our “t” and “d” sounds, unless it is the start of a stressed syllable. Notice the difference in the pronunciation of the “t” sounds in potato, where the first is crisp (because the middle syllable is the stressed syllable), but the second is flapped. You probably already pronounce flaps correctly within words, or else people would think you were not a native speaker of American English. (Flapping is one of the major differences between American and British English.) But the amount of flapping we do across word boundaries does vary with the level of formality of the conversation, with more flapping occurring in informal, interpersonal, and affectionate speech: “I met a man,” “I’d bet a lot of money,” “I got in early,” “I thought it all through,” etc. The more crisply you pronounce the “t” sound in these sentences (the more slowly you will have to speak to do it!), the more you will be thought to be adding emphasis to draw attention to the importance of what you’re saying – and perhaps even to express annoyance or anger over the messages.

In the recording, the flapping of the T works together with the reduction of “you” and “to” (and the deletion of the auxiliary “have”) to create an informal, friendly feel. Instead of sounding like a strong command (“You have got to go”), it instead sounds like a friend who is reminding you or encouraging you (“ya gotta go”).

Audio Player

The first recording of “Get out of here” has two crisp Ts and sounds unnaturally stiff, while the one below flaps both of the Ts and reduces “of,” sounding much more natural. The first one would only be said if the speaker was angrily commanding someone to leave, while the second could be friendly (giving someone permission to leave or idiomatically expressing disbelief in what someone has said).

Audio Player

Audio Player

Some Riskier Strategies

Being too formal or too informal always risks sending the wrong social message. As you listen more carefully to others’ conversations, you may notice other pronunciation strategies that they use to create informal, interpersonal, affectionate speech. In our discussion of words, we make a three-way distinction between formal vs. informal-but-standard vs. “slang and/or taboo.” Sound-wise, the situation is similar. The patterns discussed above yield informal-but-standard pronunciations and thus do not receive very harsh social judgments, while the strategies discussed in this section are those that carry much greater social risks.

Words with important semantic content (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, some prepositions) aren’t reduced or abbreviated nearly as often as function words, because their meanings and uses aren’t as predictable. Abbreviations, which tend to leave off an unstressed syllable, preserving the stressed parts of the word, do feel informal, and many of our current informal standard words come from abbreviated forms of earlier words (phone, lab, plane, ‘tho, ’til, etc.). Regardless of dialect, many Americans routinely drop the first syllable of because (kuz) and about (‘bout) when speaking informally. Remember sometimes loses its unstressed first syllable, but only in the context of the question “(Do you) (re)member…?” You’ll also sometimes hear reduced forms of probably within sentences such as “He’ll probably go” (“He’ll pro(b)ly go”). Outside of these few widely used forms and outside of dialect-specific contexts, reducing content words is a fairly risky strategy – spontaneous abbreviations may be judged negatively as slang, rather than simply feeling casual and friendly.



Scholarly SourcesClick to show

  • Brinton, Laurel J. & Donna M. Brinton. (2010). The Linguistic Structure of Modern English. John Benjamins.
  • Campbell-Kibler, Kathryn. (2006). Listener Perceptions of Sociolinguistic Variables: The Case of (ING). Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University.
  • Davenport, Mike, and S. J. Hannahs. (2005) Introducing Phonetics & Phonology. Hachette.
  • Finegan, Edward. (2004). American English and its distinctiveness. Language in the USA: Themes for the Twenty-first Century, 18-38.
  • Giegerich, Heinz. (1992). English Phonology. Cambridge University Press.
  • Greenberg, Steven, Hannah Carvey, and Leah Hitchcock. (2002). The relation between stress accent and pronunciation variation in spontaneous American English discourse. Speech Prosody 2002, International Conference.
  • Johnson, Keith. (2004). Massive reduction in conversational American English. In Spontaneous speech: Data and analysis. Proceedings of the 1st session of the 10th international symposium, 29-54. The National International Institute for Japanese Language.
  • Labov, William, Sharon Ash, Maya Ravindranath, Tracey Weldon, Maciej Baranowski, and Naomi Nagy. (2011). Properties of the sociolinguistic monitor. Journal of Sociolinguistics 15(4): 431-463.

  • University of Iowa. (2001-2005). Phonetics: The sounds of spoken English.

NOTE: the following sources are designed for non-native learners of English, but are useful in acquiring more casual pronunciations:

  • Gillett, Amy. (2013). Speak English Like an American, 5th updated ed. [book & audio CD].  Language Success Press.
  • Castano, Angel (2008). Different pronunciations for T sounds. Multi-Media – English.–3825